January 29, 2020 Letter to the Editor Burns Times Herald
Let's Talk about Climate Change
Our changing climate is not a partisan issue. The effects impact all of us, whatever our label. Let's talk about this.
Another cap and trade bill comes before the Oregon legislature in February. Groups like Citizens Climate Lobby and Oregon League of Conversation Voters, both non partisan organizations, want stronger provisions in what is now Senate Bill 1530. Those in opposition like some ranchers, farmers, and Timber Unity want fewer restrictions or no cap on carbon emissions.
I personally favor a stronger bill more like HB2020. We must put a price on carbon starting now, not sometime in the vague future. Some say that Oregon by itself can't put a dent in reducing carbon emissions. But consider that a lot of Oregons putting a price on carbon will.
I talked to a Harney County rancher a few weeks ago, who denies we have a carbon emissions problem and says there is no such thing as climate change. He said he has forty scientist friends who say climate change isn't happening. I said what about the 11,000 scientists who want a climate emergency declared now? The rancher scoffed and waved his hand dismissively. 11,000 vs. 40 seems pretty overwhelming to me. I guess we had different math teachers.
I believe in science, scientists, and data. The 11,000 scientists were actually 11,258 scientists in 153 countries from a broad range of disciplines. They warn that the planet clearly and unequivocally faces a climate emergency (Journal of Bioscience). Ecologists Bill Ripple and Christopher Wolf of Oregon State University spearheaded the study. It's important to operate on facts.
Consider writing your state legislator and senator in support of stronger provisions for SB1530. Your children and grandchildren may thank you.
Marjorie Thelen
Rural Burns
Our changing climate is not a partisan issue. The effects impact all of us, whatever our label. Let's talk about this.
Another cap and trade bill comes before the Oregon legislature in February. Groups like Citizens Climate Lobby and Oregon League of Conversation Voters, both non partisan organizations, want stronger provisions in what is now Senate Bill 1530. Those in opposition like some ranchers, farmers, and Timber Unity want fewer restrictions or no cap on carbon emissions.
I personally favor a stronger bill more like HB2020. We must put a price on carbon starting now, not sometime in the vague future. Some say that Oregon by itself can't put a dent in reducing carbon emissions. But consider that a lot of Oregons putting a price on carbon will.
I talked to a Harney County rancher a few weeks ago, who denies we have a carbon emissions problem and says there is no such thing as climate change. He said he has forty scientist friends who say climate change isn't happening. I said what about the 11,000 scientists who want a climate emergency declared now? The rancher scoffed and waved his hand dismissively. 11,000 vs. 40 seems pretty overwhelming to me. I guess we had different math teachers.
I believe in science, scientists, and data. The 11,000 scientists were actually 11,258 scientists in 153 countries from a broad range of disciplines. They warn that the planet clearly and unequivocally faces a climate emergency (Journal of Bioscience). Ecologists Bill Ripple and Christopher Wolf of Oregon State University spearheaded the study. It's important to operate on facts.
Consider writing your state legislator and senator in support of stronger provisions for SB1530. Your children and grandchildren may thank you.
Marjorie Thelen
Rural Burns
Some Climate Solutions
Climate Solutions
Climate Warming is Here Now. Stop Burning Fossil Fuels. Keep them in the ground.
1. Elect Democrats to office- case of Virginia all Democratic legislature opens way to RGGI
2. Educate the public through nonpartisan efforts
3. Cut Carbon Emissions
4. End Fossil Fuel subsidies ($400 Billion in 2018)
5. ACTION: Support Juliana v. United States(www.ourchildrenstrust.org)
6. ACTION: Stop consuming. Stop wasting food.
7. ACTION: Find a climate change organization and become an activist
8. And the solution is not going to Mars!
www.uscusa.org -- Union of Concerned Scientists
www.opensecrets.org - see who fund our representatives
www.climaterealityproject.org - Al Gore's group. Get climate leadership training
www.350.org - Bill McKibben's group
www.marydemocker.com - Book: "The Parents Guide to Climate Revolution, 100 Way to build a fossil- free future, raise empowered kids, and still get a good night's sleep." Available at HCL
www.drawdown.org - Book: "Drawdown - the most comprehensive plan every proposed to reverse global warming" edited by Paul Hawken. Available at HCL
Marjorie Thelen/11/11/19
Climate Warming is Here Now. Stop Burning Fossil Fuels. Keep them in the ground.
1. Elect Democrats to office- case of Virginia all Democratic legislature opens way to RGGI
- Run for office
2. Educate the public through nonpartisan efforts
- Citizens Climate Lobby- Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (www.energyinnovationact.org) -non partisan bill that puts cap on emissions and the dividend goes to tax payers. (www.citizensclimatelobby.org)
- Indivisible.org- Bend has very active group
- Visit local groups to engage in conversation about climate change - what are we afraid of?
3. Cut Carbon Emissions
- HB 2020- Sen. Michael Dembrow, D-Portland, is reworking a proposal to create a cap & trade program in OR for consideration by legislators when they convene Feb. 2020. He's working with people on the ground in rural districts to help voters understand the harmful effects of climate change; ACTIONcall to support his efforts. [email protected]; 503-986-1723
- Renew Oregonproposing three ballot measures (www.reneworegon.org). ACTION: Sign the petition.
4. End Fossil Fuel subsidies ($400 Billion in 2018)
- Clean Energy for America Act(S.1288) introduced in May 2019, sponsored by Sen. Ron Wyden. Amends the IRS Code to replace the 44 existing energy tax credits with three technology neutral tax provisions that would incentivize the use of low and zero-emissions technologies, including clean electricity, clean transportation and energy efficiency. Cosponsored by 25 Democrats.
- Financing Our Energy Future Act(S.1841) - allows renewable energy firms to benefit from MLP structure by expanding types of energy generation that qualify.
- ACTION:Call Wyden's office (202-224-5244) and Merkley's (541-318-1298) to register support for these bills
5. ACTION: Support Juliana v. United States(www.ourchildrenstrust.org)
6. ACTION: Stop consuming. Stop wasting food.
7. ACTION: Find a climate change organization and become an activist
8. And the solution is not going to Mars!
www.uscusa.org -- Union of Concerned Scientists
www.opensecrets.org - see who fund our representatives
www.climaterealityproject.org - Al Gore's group. Get climate leadership training
www.350.org - Bill McKibben's group
www.marydemocker.com - Book: "The Parents Guide to Climate Revolution, 100 Way to build a fossil- free future, raise empowered kids, and still get a good night's sleep." Available at HCL
www.drawdown.org - Book: "Drawdown - the most comprehensive plan every proposed to reverse global warming" edited by Paul Hawken. Available at HCL
Marjorie Thelen/11/11/19
Greta Thunberg on Climate at the UN
Powerful to watch this young woman’s sadness and anger at the future she and the next generation will be denied,
Local Dems and fellow travelers participate in Climate Strike on Friday, September 20, 2019
Climate Warming Links
Sept 12 post from Diane Rapaport
The climate protests are getting more interesting. Global school and other protests on Oct. 20.
Oct. 9
Methane seeps: Siberia.
Oct. 4
The climate protests are getting more interesting. Global school and other protests on Oct. 20.
Oct. 9
Methane seeps: Siberia.
Oct. 4
Another link from Diane
Thunberg, the young Swedish climate activist, is leading the younger people toward activism and protest. What a heroine for our times.
Thunberg, the young Swedish climate activist, is leading the younger people toward activism and protest. What a heroine for our times.
How many ways can we ruin a planet? Thoughts and links from Diane Rapaport
I’ve been collecting news stories like this since June.. . and we need to reinforce with our concerns.
How Many Ways Can We Ruin a Planet
(Lest we Forget)
Funerals for glaciers lost in Iceland; mandatory Colorado River water cuts as Reservoirs drop; microplastics in the rain and in our bellies: how many ways can we ruin a planet?
August 17
Of the 8.3bn tonnes of virgin plastic produced worldwide, only 9% has been recycled, according to a 2017 Science Advances paper entitled Production, Use And Fate Of All Plastics Ever Made.
August 16
An alternative to urban trees known as "bio-curtains" is being developed by a team of architects and scientists in London. The curtains use the power of algae to absorb carbon dioxide from the air.
August 14
Wet, Wild And High: Lakes And Rivers Wreak Havoc Across Midwest, SouthLISTEN· 4:0
August 9, 1919
Trump administration forces removal of the words ‘climate change’ in federal agencies
August 8
Warm Springs, Oregon. No water. No money to fix it either
August 8:
Food insecurity
More than 500 million people currently live in areas that already experience desertification or degradation, mostly in the world's poorest countries, which are also the most exposed to food insecurity.
August 7
With one million species threatened by extinction, Trump administration weakens protections for endangered specieshttps://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/08/08/climate-change-is-sapping-nutrients-our-food-it-could-become-global-crisis/
July 29, 1919
Murdering and silencing
Disturbing global report: Environmental activists are being murdered every weekhttps://www.huffpost.com/entry/report-environment-activists-killed_n_5cb5f7dfe4b098b9a2db040f?utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=hp_fb_pages&utm_source=women_fb&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000046&fbclid=IwAR2wgN9tkkETWTqv2k9OTqldXJMU28X4I6H9oyLXhV6OA0hFkDPazjqyOb4
How Many Ways Can We Ruin a Planet
(Lest we Forget)
Funerals for glaciers lost in Iceland; mandatory Colorado River water cuts as Reservoirs drop; microplastics in the rain and in our bellies: how many ways can we ruin a planet?
August 17
Of the 8.3bn tonnes of virgin plastic produced worldwide, only 9% has been recycled, according to a 2017 Science Advances paper entitled Production, Use And Fate Of All Plastics Ever Made.
August 16
An alternative to urban trees known as "bio-curtains" is being developed by a team of architects and scientists in London. The curtains use the power of algae to absorb carbon dioxide from the air.
August 14
Wet, Wild And High: Lakes And Rivers Wreak Havoc Across Midwest, SouthLISTEN· 4:0
August 9, 1919
Trump administration forces removal of the words ‘climate change’ in federal agencies
August 8
Warm Springs, Oregon. No water. No money to fix it either
August 8:
Food insecurity
More than 500 million people currently live in areas that already experience desertification or degradation, mostly in the world's poorest countries, which are also the most exposed to food insecurity.
August 7
With one million species threatened by extinction, Trump administration weakens protections for endangered specieshttps://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/08/08/climate-change-is-sapping-nutrients-our-food-it-could-become-global-crisis/
July 29, 1919
Murdering and silencing
Disturbing global report: Environmental activists are being murdered every weekhttps://www.huffpost.com/entry/report-environment-activists-killed_n_5cb5f7dfe4b098b9a2db040f?utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=hp_fb_pages&utm_source=women_fb&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000046&fbclid=IwAR2wgN9tkkETWTqv2k9OTqldXJMU28X4I6H9oyLXhV6OA0hFkDPazjqyOb4
Field Green Democratic candidates against Findley and Bentz
It's about time Democrats in Eastern Oregon field viable candidates against the two Republican incumbents, both of whom opposed HB2020. We could run a Green Candidate. We might not win but we can get the word out on our stand on Climate Warming and educate with the facts of climate change. Our slogan could be "Make Eastern Oregon Green Again!". We need to get to young people with this message. We could advertise in the local newspapers - "Looking for a few good Democratic candidates to run against Findley and Bentz." The local Democrat groups could collect information and facts to support the candidates, write speeches, set up meet and greets, town halls. We could also organize a local "Flat Earth Society" to provide alternate ideas from the State of Jefferson which has a local group in Hines. They opposed HB2020. Let us know your ideas.
Here is a link to Cliff Bentz pathetic explanation of why a group of adult Republican senators in a democracy walked out on the vote on HB2020. As a result there was not quorum and the vote didn't come up. When will we have a real democracy?
What's Next?
HB202 did not pass thanks to a walkout by eleven immature Republican Senators. By walking out on the legislative session, the Senate did not have a quorum. Gov. Brown is committed to passing this legislation and some reports say she will take executive action if the legislature does not act. That will remain for the 2020 session.
Meanwhile, Harney County Dems Environment Committee is re-grouping and tossing around new ideas on what climate action groups they want to support. At the July 8 Democratic meeting we discuss fielding a Green Democratic candidate to run again Rep Lynn Findley and Sen Cliff Bentz, both Republicans and neither supported HB2020. Stay Tuned!
Meanwhile, Harney County Dems Environment Committee is re-grouping and tossing around new ideas on what climate action groups they want to support. At the July 8 Democratic meeting we discuss fielding a Green Democratic candidate to run again Rep Lynn Findley and Sen Cliff Bentz, both Republicans and neither supported HB2020. Stay Tuned!
HB2020 - Clean Energy Jobs
Environment Committee~HB2020 - Clean Energy Jobs
HB2020 is about carbon reduction in the state of Oregon. We urge those in support of HB2020 - Clean Energy Jobs - to call or write to Rep. Lynn Findley and Sen. Cliff Bentz.
Findley: [email protected]; 503-986-1460
Bentz: [email protected]; 503-986-1730
Lynn Findley says he is not opposed to the Clean Energy Jobs Bill. There are now 94 amendments. He says one aspect that concerns him is the "trade areas", like Ontario that are on the border with Idaho. When gas goes up with the new bill, people will go to Idaho to buy gas. Issues like that still have to be worked out. Another example is cement plants in Oregon pollute less than in China, and we don't want to force Oregon cement out of business.
In a conversation with Cliff Bentz several weeks ago he indicated that he wasn't opposed to a price on carbon but was concerned about the transition to clean energy. You can call Bentz and Findley's office to schedule a time to talk to them, if you are so inclined.
The legislative session goes to July 1st, and now they are meeting on Saturdays. HB 2020 is now in the Ways and Means Committee. After that it goes to the floor for a vote.
To learn more about the bill go to www.olis.leg.state.or.us. Click on Bills in upper right hand corner and go to HB2020.
Another group following this legislation is Reneworegon.org. If you go to their web site you can find more information and sign up to call.
HB2020 is about carbon reduction in the state of Oregon. We urge those in support of HB2020 - Clean Energy Jobs - to call or write to Rep. Lynn Findley and Sen. Cliff Bentz.
Findley: [email protected]; 503-986-1460
Bentz: [email protected]; 503-986-1730
Lynn Findley says he is not opposed to the Clean Energy Jobs Bill. There are now 94 amendments. He says one aspect that concerns him is the "trade areas", like Ontario that are on the border with Idaho. When gas goes up with the new bill, people will go to Idaho to buy gas. Issues like that still have to be worked out. Another example is cement plants in Oregon pollute less than in China, and we don't want to force Oregon cement out of business.
In a conversation with Cliff Bentz several weeks ago he indicated that he wasn't opposed to a price on carbon but was concerned about the transition to clean energy. You can call Bentz and Findley's office to schedule a time to talk to them, if you are so inclined.
The legislative session goes to July 1st, and now they are meeting on Saturdays. HB 2020 is now in the Ways and Means Committee. After that it goes to the floor for a vote.
To learn more about the bill go to www.olis.leg.state.or.us. Click on Bills in upper right hand corner and go to HB2020.
Another group following this legislation is Reneworegon.org. If you go to their web site you can find more information and sign up to call.
Resolution regarding Environmental Protection, Climate Change and Global Warming adopted August 13, 2018
Regarding Environmental Protection, Global Warming and Climate Change
WHEREAS,historical research describes how United States industry and economy relies on production and use of fossil fuels, and this reliance is no longer viable as science has shown that using fossil fuels is increasingly dangerous for the inhabitability of our planet, and,
WHEREAS, science-based and peer-reviewed research presents evidence that use of fossil fuel for heating, driving, manufacturing and producing energy contributes to global warming, climate change and pollution of water, air and land, is a limited resource and will become increasingly more expensive and damaging to our planet, and,
WHEREAS,legislators, many of whom have been influenced heavily by special interest lobbyists, have not adequately supported measures to address environmental concerns or adequately funded environmental protection efforts, and,
WHEREAS,It is the responsibility of each of us as citizens to do what we can to preserve and protect our environment for our neighbors and for future generations.
Section 1:Support Article 3 of the Democratic Party of Oregon 2018 Platform – ENVIRONMENT: Air; Water; Land; Ecosystems; Natural Resources; Climate Change; Sustainability; and the 26 planks related to Article 3 (dpo.org).
Section 2:Identify and collaborate with others in Harney County with common concerns regarding the environment, including pollution, water supply, water quality, and economic factors related to these concerns.
Section 3:Encourage and support local efforts to develop and use clean energy sources, including wind and solar power to produce electricity.
Section 4: Educate citizens of Harney County through use of media on measures to support environmental protection, recycling, use of environmentally friendly materials and conservation.
Section 5:Review legislators’ voting records available on websites such as “vote smart” and endorse those that support environmental protection, development of clean energy resources and vote positively on measures supporting environmental protections and production of clean energy.
Regarding Environmental Protection, Global Warming and Climate Change
WHEREAS,historical research describes how United States industry and economy relies on production and use of fossil fuels, and this reliance is no longer viable as science has shown that using fossil fuels is increasingly dangerous for the inhabitability of our planet, and,
WHEREAS, science-based and peer-reviewed research presents evidence that use of fossil fuel for heating, driving, manufacturing and producing energy contributes to global warming, climate change and pollution of water, air and land, is a limited resource and will become increasingly more expensive and damaging to our planet, and,
WHEREAS,legislators, many of whom have been influenced heavily by special interest lobbyists, have not adequately supported measures to address environmental concerns or adequately funded environmental protection efforts, and,
WHEREAS,It is the responsibility of each of us as citizens to do what we can to preserve and protect our environment for our neighbors and for future generations.
Section 1:Support Article 3 of the Democratic Party of Oregon 2018 Platform – ENVIRONMENT: Air; Water; Land; Ecosystems; Natural Resources; Climate Change; Sustainability; and the 26 planks related to Article 3 (dpo.org).
Section 2:Identify and collaborate with others in Harney County with common concerns regarding the environment, including pollution, water supply, water quality, and economic factors related to these concerns.
Section 3:Encourage and support local efforts to develop and use clean energy sources, including wind and solar power to produce electricity.
Section 4: Educate citizens of Harney County through use of media on measures to support environmental protection, recycling, use of environmentally friendly materials and conservation.
Section 5:Review legislators’ voting records available on websites such as “vote smart” and endorse those that support environmental protection, development of clean energy resources and vote positively on measures supporting environmental protections and production of clean energy.
Political Events in Oregon You Need to Know About |
Oregon Democrats Vote To Keep Party Primary Closed
The Oregon Democratic Party won’t allow non-affiliated voters to take part in its 2018 primary. At their SCC party meeting in Portland in November, a resolution to open the Democratic primary did not get the two-thirds majority needed to pass. As it is now, only registered Democrats can participate in the party’s primary. Party spokeswoman Molly Woon said the central committee took up two other resolutions that did pass. One relates to state actions to fight climate change; the other calls on the Legislature to pass a publicly-funded health care system for Oregon.
Dalles Candidate Forum
CD2 Vice-Chair shares the recording of the CD2 Candidate Forum in The Dalles for those of you who want to see the candidates. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/nuOLOl0EpOo
The Oregon Democratic Party won’t allow non-affiliated voters to take part in its 2018 primary. At their SCC party meeting in Portland in November, a resolution to open the Democratic primary did not get the two-thirds majority needed to pass. As it is now, only registered Democrats can participate in the party’s primary. Party spokeswoman Molly Woon said the central committee took up two other resolutions that did pass. One relates to state actions to fight climate change; the other calls on the Legislature to pass a publicly-funded health care system for Oregon.
Dalles Candidate Forum
CD2 Vice-Chair shares the recording of the CD2 Candidate Forum in The Dalles for those of you who want to see the candidates. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/nuOLOl0EpOo
Non-Partisan Organizations
Great Old Broad for Wilderness from Julie Weikel
Here are some Broads activities to show the breadth of their activities. The organization is for Broads and Bros, and some of us have already joined up.
11/6/17: BLM’s Methane Rule Draws 100 Supporters in Durango (Shelley quoted):
Also, video posted on San Juan Citizens’ Alliance website: https://www.facebook.com/sanjuancitizens/videos/10155904324932272/?hc_ref=ARQ-ZGiUIkPzgphA8QCamELnfa6M8GUug9RNdfSxwkRgBH8iTAdi6HZG_CA5Wv2Ya2g&pnref=story
11/2/17: Broads work with Earthjustice to file a FOIA lawsuit on information withheld on monuments(Caroline quoted):
10/23/17: Appeals Court Upholds Convictions on Recapture ATV protest ride (Shelley quoted):
10/11/17: Broads volunteer on Gifford Pinchot NF (Broadband Leaders Laurie Kerr and Micky Ryan quoted):
I love this part: Kerr called Great Old Broads for Wilderness her “passion.” “It’s like a tattoo on my skin,” she says. “It’s a part of me. It does a lot of things for me. It creates relationships with older women like myself, and we have a shared value system for caring for the Mother Earth. We like to camp, socialize and learn about the issues that impact wilderness all over the country.”
If you’re not on Facebook, keep up with Broads news on our website at http://www.greatoldbroads.org/in-the-press-2/!
Citizens Climate Lobby
Thank you for attending our Burns discussion on climate change and the promise of carbon fee and dividend. November has been an exciting month for Citizens’ Climate Lobby. We completed our Oregon Stewardship Tour just in time to hear CCL volunteer Maj. Gen. Rick Devereaux (USAF) discuss the intersection between climate, national security, and fossil fuels during this month’s CCL online meeting.
Yesterday, CCL Oregon volunteers met with Congressman Greg Walden’s office in Washington DC. And, Dr. James Hansen, who is in Bonn Germany for the COP23 2017 Sustainable Innovation Forum, still proclaims, “If you want to join the fight to save the planet, to save creation for your grandchildren, there is no more effective step you could take than becoming an active member of CCL.” Many of our seasoned CCL Oregon volunteers return today from Washington DC where they participated in CCL’s 4th Annual Citizens’ Climate Congressional Education Day. As promised during our discussion in Burns, you’ll find (attached) the household impacts study for Oregon’s congressional District 2 and the links to our main website and a 2-minute introductory video to carbon fee and dividend.
Climate Caucus reaches 62 members: The bipartisan House Climate Solutions Caucus recently added two more members, bringing the total to 62—31 Republicans and 31 Democrats. The new members are New Jersey Democrat Rep. Josh Gottheimer and Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz.
Here are some Broads activities to show the breadth of their activities. The organization is for Broads and Bros, and some of us have already joined up.
11/6/17: BLM’s Methane Rule Draws 100 Supporters in Durango (Shelley quoted):
Also, video posted on San Juan Citizens’ Alliance website: https://www.facebook.com/sanjuancitizens/videos/10155904324932272/?hc_ref=ARQ-ZGiUIkPzgphA8QCamELnfa6M8GUug9RNdfSxwkRgBH8iTAdi6HZG_CA5Wv2Ya2g&pnref=story
11/2/17: Broads work with Earthjustice to file a FOIA lawsuit on information withheld on monuments(Caroline quoted):
10/23/17: Appeals Court Upholds Convictions on Recapture ATV protest ride (Shelley quoted):
10/11/17: Broads volunteer on Gifford Pinchot NF (Broadband Leaders Laurie Kerr and Micky Ryan quoted):
I love this part: Kerr called Great Old Broads for Wilderness her “passion.” “It’s like a tattoo on my skin,” she says. “It’s a part of me. It does a lot of things for me. It creates relationships with older women like myself, and we have a shared value system for caring for the Mother Earth. We like to camp, socialize and learn about the issues that impact wilderness all over the country.”
If you’re not on Facebook, keep up with Broads news on our website at http://www.greatoldbroads.org/in-the-press-2/!
Citizens Climate Lobby
Thank you for attending our Burns discussion on climate change and the promise of carbon fee and dividend. November has been an exciting month for Citizens’ Climate Lobby. We completed our Oregon Stewardship Tour just in time to hear CCL volunteer Maj. Gen. Rick Devereaux (USAF) discuss the intersection between climate, national security, and fossil fuels during this month’s CCL online meeting.
Yesterday, CCL Oregon volunteers met with Congressman Greg Walden’s office in Washington DC. And, Dr. James Hansen, who is in Bonn Germany for the COP23 2017 Sustainable Innovation Forum, still proclaims, “If you want to join the fight to save the planet, to save creation for your grandchildren, there is no more effective step you could take than becoming an active member of CCL.” Many of our seasoned CCL Oregon volunteers return today from Washington DC where they participated in CCL’s 4th Annual Citizens’ Climate Congressional Education Day. As promised during our discussion in Burns, you’ll find (attached) the household impacts study for Oregon’s congressional District 2 and the links to our main website and a 2-minute introductory video to carbon fee and dividend.
Climate Caucus reaches 62 members: The bipartisan House Climate Solutions Caucus recently added two more members, bringing the total to 62—31 Republicans and 31 Democrats. The new members are New Jersey Democrat Rep. Josh Gottheimer and Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz.